Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy


We do not accept any donations from Adoptive Parents, so please do not make any donations.
As a charitable, non-profit organisation, Save poor lives is unable to refund donations after the donation is accepted.
No cash or refund of money will be allowed.
Once received the donation for a cause will not be refunded to the donor. No cancellations will be made.
Unless a specified donation purpose is selected at the time of donation, funds will be unrestricted and used to empower children as per our charitable purposes.
Save poor Lives Trust respects your privacy. We collect information to provide services to you and update you on the impact of your contributions. Save poor Lives Trust recognizes that we must maintain and use your information responsibly.​
We collect information from you when you visit and take actions on our website. We use this information to provide the services you’ve requested. We may use cookies (such as Google Analytics) to provide a better experience and improve our website.​
We will only use your information to keep you up to date with our work or answer your enquiries. We will not trade, share, or sell your personal data with anyone.
If you would like to read or have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at
